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Interpreters will be available. 
SWAG and Door Prize raffle.

MAY 18TH 2024


GaRID is MAD about you!

Come to learn, renew, mingle, network, fellowship, make new friends, see old friends.  

Presenter: Dr. Suzette Garay

CEO Diversity Academy for Interpreters (DAI)

Moving from Allyship toward an Antiracist Approach for Interpreters

This 4-hour Antiracist workshop focuses on how to develop antiracist skills for effectively incorporating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) principals, specifically, moving from an allyship approach toward what to do and what not do when incorporating DEIB Antiracist actions. Participants will explore how biases and stereotypes form in our interpreter profession, do a self-analysis, and consider how these factors may impact their work toward becoming antiracist interpreters. Participants will have hands-on opportunities to practice with variety of scenarios representing racism, oppression, and further developing their individual basic antiracist skills into a plan of action.

*note* CEU information to follow shortly. 

Door Prizes

BUSINESS MEETING DURING FREE LUNCH, included in registration.


Dr. Suzette Garay- is a Deaf Person of Color (DPOC) and a third generational Latina(x) from South America, Nicaragua and a third member of a family who was born Deaf.  She holds the following degrees: BA, MA. PSY.S, and a Ph.D.  Her major areas of studies are Special Education with an emphasis on Deafness and Learning Disabilities, Psychology, and teaching of American Sign Language.  She is currently a retired Educational Psychologist who has worked with DHHDB+ children for more than 15+ years and currently teaches several online diversity & culturally responsive courses and through her own business at Diversity Academy and previously through the CAITE Behavioral Health Interpreter Program.  She also owns a private consultation practice working with many families, individuals, and private business owners about interpreting, accessibility, diversity, and advocacy with diverse DHHDB+ consumers.

Dr. Garay has the following qualifications: 25+ years of direct teaching, evaluating, and mentoring with Special Education students, ASL/Interpreter students, community/educational interpreters, and/or community business members whom use American Sign Language for communicating with their DHHDB+ consumers.  She also has a long history of invaluable personal experiences and success teaching, evaluating, and mentoring diverse deaf individuals and/or consumers from underprivileged socio-economic backgrounds.

She has taught distance education online courses and workshops in ASL Linguistics, Special Education, and disability social justice issues throughout the Midwest and at the international or national levels.  She is also a nationally certified American Sign Language Instructor and state certified master consultant and professional development trainer who enjoys working with families and very young children teaching them how to utilize American Sign Language with preverbal babies and those with communication disorders.  Dr. Garay can be reached for future workshops and/or consultations at

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You've Completed an ITP, You’re Certified/Qualified: Now What?

  • 05 May 2012
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • GACHI Headquarters 4151 Memorial Drive Suite 103-B, Decatur, GA 30032


  • If you are registering online there will be a $2.00 convenience fee. If you are writing a check it is $20.00
  • If you are registering online there will be a $2.00 convenience fee. If you are writing a check it is $35.00

Registration is closed

Georgia Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

Proudly Presents:

You've Completed an ITP, You’re Certified/Qualified: Now What?


Description: MC900436706[1]

Workshop Description


Are you newly certified and/or have graduated from an Interpreter Training Program and are contemplating or preparing to begin working as ASL/English interpreter in private practice? This workshop will give you insight into your professional endeavors- both current and future. Nayshunda Burke will provide an in-depth overview of standard interpreting business practices. Participants will discuss making business decisions about establishing and running one’s own business and the pros and cons of working freelance exclusively for one’s self  and/or in conjunction with and interpreting agency . Participants will also discuss the must-haves within one’s tool kit which are needed for both in and out of the hot seat.

See registration form for details:


GaRID/GAD/NAOBI Together 2022

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